Monday, June 11, 2007

Rwanda Bicycle Trailer Update

Hello from Kibungo Rwanda-

This update will be short, as power outages, disconnects and the like are commonplace. First, the project participants (5 young men) are now working completely self directed. Most had never seen a screwdriver and only 1 had ever turned a wrench as of 2 weeks ago when we started; they are all now completely confident and proficient in the use of common hand tools, power tools, specialized metal working tools and MIG welding. Everybody can now weld and 3 of them weld with a high level of quality. This is remarkable considering we are only on day 1 of the 3rd week. Several frames are complete and there is a buzz all about town concerning the project. The project participants have worked very hard and have learned the skills necessary to continue manufacturing/fabrication long after I leave.

The trailers have been eyed by every passer by and we have had a few practice sessions where we demonstrated the capabilities of the trailers. I'd say by the smiles and enthusiasm they are ready to utilize the trailers.

I have a detailed account of everyday's project progress with supporting photos but downloading files and pictures has proven a lengthy exercise ending in disconnects from the internet, so that information will all be posted upon my return to the US.

Today I provided some pictures of simple steel framed wheelchairs that use a plastic chair to sit in. They are excited about the prospect of building those as well.

I have been challenging the project participants to consider new ways to utilize and apply their skills. The trailers represent 1 of many manufacturing/fabrication oportunities which exist here today. With the tools and skills they now possess I believe some economic independence and self reliance has emerged. This is a feeling of empowerment and has led to high levels of confidence and self esteem I did not see at the beginning of the project.

1 comment:

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