Wednesday, May 23, 2007


After many discussions and having pondered the question, "what do I hope to accomplish with this trailer project?", I find solace in a simple quote from a simple woman. "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." Mother Teresa.

Some call it "Grass Roots" or "Bottom of the Pyramid", either way it means making change at the source where the change is needed. It means applying resources directly affecting those in need.

Only God knows what He plans to accomplish through me. I do know His plan has me focused on the development of Indigenous Micro-Businesses for people suffering in abject poverty. Perhaps His plan is as simple as enabling those people in need to witness another person reaching out to them in friendship and understanding; having someone care enough to give of their time and resources to relieve suffering and pain. Perhaps God's plan is to use the trailer project as a mechanism for moving much more than goods, perhaps it is intended to move people spiritually. It takes so little to show how much we care and yet it is so hard to do sometimes. I believe the trailers are truly a vehicle intended to carry a heavy load...

I feel I have been given the proper vision, technical and business knowledge, relational skills and resources to carry out this work. During this journey I have met many well intentioned people, forged deeper relationships, enjoyed developing the project, suffered setbacks and gained a great appreciation of how it really feels to give freely. I am happy to say the journey has just begun...

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